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photographer, traveler, storyteller on an incredible journey

About Us

I’m glad you’re here. Thank you for visiting As a Lens Sees LLC, a local, Vermont-based, New York-based, and New England-based business. We provide our clients with exceptional photography services, designed to preserve all of your special moments in life. Whether you need a versatile concert photographer, a reliable wedding photographer, a creative portrait photographer, or a detail-oriented travel photographer, all of your unique needs will be fulfilled.

Meet Brandon

Greetings. My name is Brandon Levesque, and I want to share my artistic view of the world with you through my passions of photography and storytelling.

Born in Rutland, Vermont, USA, I have always been amazed by the beautiful, natural landscapes that surround my hometown. Every year, during the autumn season, nearly all of the trees in the area transform from their usual, bright greens into a colorful, vibrant scene of red, orange, and yellow leaves. It’s one of the best things to see in Vermont, for sure. Growing up in this environment allowed me to perfect my photography skills, and become the versatile photographer I am today.

What got you into photography?

Throughout my childhood, I loved to use cameras to take photos of the people and places that I encountered. My family would often look to me to take pictures at our family gatherings, even if I wasn’t very enthusiastic about the idea at that stage in my life. Using my old GE point and shoot camera, I took hundreds of photos, glimpses into my life, before taking a hiatus for nearly 3 years when I started middle school. During a visit to Vermont by my family from the west coast, mainly San Francisco, California and Penn Valley, California areas, I was able to meet my mom’s cousin, who I call, “Uncle Buck,” for the first time. He is a very kind, fun-loving man that has an open mind about the world. We almost immediately became the best of friends overnight after he and his parents arrived at my doorstep.

One day, while visiting the iconic Skene Manor in Whitehall, New York, we noticed that a lot of Monarch Butterflies were enjoyed the beautiful, hillside garden at the location. “Whoever can take a better photo of those butterflies doesn’t have to do dishes tonight,” Uncle Buck challenged me. “You’re on,” I replied, with my trusty, GE camera in hand. At the end of the day, while reviewing our photos over dinner, it was quickly discovered that I kicked his *** at capturing the most beautiful, butterfly photo. Everyone in the room was impressed by my work, especially because I was only 13 years old at the time.

From that point forward, I knew that photography would be a major part of my life and legacy.

While my California relatives had to return home shortly after this experience, I was not alone on my journey. My mom’s brother, known as, “Favorite Uncle,” has been the most influential person in my career endeavors. As an experience photographer himself, he taught me many of the core skills needed to create artwork that stood out to the world. He has helped me with almost every aspect of starting and continuing my business and passion. We often go on photography trips together to some of the best places to visit in Vermont, such as Kent Pond in Killington, Vermont, VINS in Quechee, Vermont, and the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester, Vermont. When I first looked into upgrading my camera equipment, my Favorite Uncle was there for me every step of the way, talking to me for hours about different Nikon camera bodies and Nikkor Lenses before I eventually chose to use my current, reliable workhorse, the Nikon D850. I really can not thank him enough for all that he has done to help me throughout my journey.

How were you inspired to travel the globe?

Earth is a big place, full of diverse cultures, landscapes, and people. My love of exploration and travel began when I was looking for new music to listen to. As a child, my parents always had me listen to their music, which I will agree were good choices for the most part, but people eventually want to branch out, and find their own style. While browsing through YouTube, the algorithm for the site recommended me a few songs that were definitely not what I was expecting to enjoy; songs in foreign languages.

Once I had fallen down that rabbit hole, YouTube presented me with an amazing South Korea travel channel, sweetandtastytv, which specialized in showcasing amazing travel destinations in South Korea. Seeing the top places to visit in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, and other parts of the country attracted me to book my first plane ticket to go there. My parents were definitely not happy with that decision: my mom even stopped talking to me for a few days. In the end, though, they knew that this was going to become a major milestone in my life, and that they would support me every step of the way.

Fast forward through my first two years of university at the University of Vermont (UVM) in Burlington, Vermont, and we’re now in 2019; just before the infamous COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a grinding halt. During this part of my life, I was studying Mandarin Chinese as my minor in school, so when the opportunity arose to study abroad in China, at the Shandong University of Science and Technology (山东科技大学) in Qingdao (青岛), I absolutely had to jump in this once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit one of the world’s most culturally-rich countries. With my classmates from UVM’s Chinese Department, the 14 of us, along with my, “Chinese mom and dad,” toured to some of the best places to visit in China: Beijing (北京), Shanghai (上海), Xi’an (西安), and Qingdao (青岛). Seeing so many incredible, top destinations in Asia, such as the Great Wall of China, The Bund in Shanghai, and Xi’an Ancient City Walls kept my Nikon D5100 out at all times. Almost every day that summer, once my classes finished, I ran to the bus stop to head towards the downtown area of the city, and many of the other beautiful, photo spots in Qingdao (青岛) by myself. After completing my summer classes, I toured Shenzhen (深圳) and Hong Kong (香港) in southern China, and then spent ten days traveling around South Korea for my second trip there before returning to the United States via San Francisco, California.

Where have you traveled to?

Over my 24 years of life, I can say that I have had the honor of experiencing more of our incredible world than the average person has. My travel photography adventures span 24 countries across 4 continents, and include 36 of the 50 states in the United States (plus Washington D.C.). Some of my greatest, solo travel journeys include: a 12169.7 mile road trip across the United States, racing from Australia to Japan through 5 countries in South East Asia, and discovering the magic of Europe by visiting 7 European capitals in the 9 days leading up to Christmas.

What are your goals for your photography business, As a Lens Sees LLC?

At the heart of my photography business, As a Lens Sees LLC, lies a twofold passion— to capture the profound beauty of the world’s most diverse landscapes and cultures while telling compelling, personal narratives through visual storytelling.

My primary goal is to transport my audience into the incredible locations I've explored, forming a deep connection with the most breathtaking wonders of the world to see. Through a lens that embraces both precision and creativity, I aim to elevate the skill of fine art portrait photography and travel documentation. My ultimate aspiration is to inspire wanderlust, and ignite a sense of curiosity, creating a visual tapestry that not only reflects my dedication to the craft but also invites others to embark on their own journey of epic discovery.

Whether through vibrant portraits or breathtaking travel scenes, my photography is a testament to the belief that every image tells a unique story waiting to be shared and celebrated.

In Loving Memory and Gratitude

This journey of becoming a travel photographer has been shaped by the unwavering love, support, and influence of four extraordinary people in my life, each leaving their mark on my path.

To my Mom,

Forever my guiding light, my mom, taken from us too soon due to pancreatic cancer in 2021, was an unwavering supporter of my passion of photography. Her encouragement to pursue my ambitious goals, even when they led me on adventurous paths, ones she often she did not agree with, remains etched in my heart. She always wanted me to be happy, and did anything she could to make it so. In her memory, I continue to explore the world, viewing it through the creative perspective of my camera lens, while creating visual tales that reflect the spirit she instilled in me. If there is an afterlife, where our loves ones can watch over us, I hope you are enjoying my journey, mom. I love you

To Uncle Buck,

My uncle from San Francisco, California helped start it all. During our shared moments, particularly capturing the grace of a monarch butterfly, I discovered my natural talent for photography. His encouragement ever since that summer trip in 2013 drove me to continue capturing the beauty of the world, one frame at a time.

To GMa,

Ever since I was born, my grandma, referred to as, “GMA,” has always been my best friend and biggest supporter. In her, I find not just a listening ear but a treasure trove of wisdom. Our daily conversations, filled with support and insightful perspectives, have been instrumental in shaping my journey. Her enduring presence propels me forward, always eager to embrace new horizons.

To Favorite Uncle,

Completing this quartet of dedications is the man that has most inspired me to become the professional photographer that I am today, Favorite Uncle. My mom's brother, my beloved Favorite Uncle, has been a beacon of guidance throughout my career’s evolution. A skilled Nikon photographer, he not only taught me the technical know-how of taking pictures, but also nurtured my creative spirit. Our trips to capture photos together will forever be some of my favorite moments of my life. His encouragement, support, and wisdom are the reasons for the success of As a Lens Sees LLC, as he guided me through building it from the very beginning. His teachings continue to resonate in every click.