As a Lens Sees LCC cursive font, text, logo in white. LingWai SC font

capturing a creative perspective of the world

Burlington, Vermont sunset over Lake Champlain near the ECHO Leahy Center.  Colorful sunset photography. Best places to visit in Burlington, VT. Things to do in Burlington, VT

Vermont, New England, New York, and Beyond

From the incredibly picturesque mountains of central Vermont in New England, I am on a quest to share the beauty of the world through digital photography.

At just 25 years old, my journey has taken me to 36 of the 50 United States and 25 countries across 4 continents, with a goal of reaching over 100 countries by the time I turn 30.

Seeing my clients happily share the photographic works we create together with their family and friends is one of the best feelings for a creator. I strive to provide the best experience to those I work with every time.

Black text reading, "greetings, this is Brandon," using LingWai SC font. Black, cursive text
Beans.theband lead vocalist and guitarist Max Hertz performing in Burlington, Vermont. University of Vermont music. Best bands from Vermont. Live concerts in Burlington. Concert photography ideas. Nikon concert photographer. Concert photography gear

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